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Yearly seasons plays a great role in decision making of carrying out the painting job. Late spring and/or summer are the best seasons to do the exterior painting. The temperature of 70 degrees F with humidity around 50% are the best weather conditions for painting in summer. For a long time temperature within the range of 60-50 degree F was not recommended to carry out painting job. But nowadays, the technology and paint quality has improved enough that carrying out a paint job in 35 degrees F has been possible.
Though painting in summer sounds easy as there will be no moisture in the air and drying time will be less. It is not as easy as it appears on the surface. There are some things that you should keep in mind to carry out the painting job in the summer season.
How to do painting in the summer season?
Painting in the summer season is a challenging job when the heat is just too much that you cannot even stand outside without having continuous water intake else you would suffer from dehydration. Likewise, the paint also suffers from dehydration phenomenon.
The heat and windy climate cause the water present in the paint to evaporate when it’s been poured into the container. So, an addition of a little amount of water to the paint becomes necessary to avoid the paint from thickening. The amount of water should be 10% to that of the total amount of paint. More amount of water will result into thinning of paint which will result into thin paint coats and loose its quality.
The rate of water evaporation increases with increase in outside temperature. Adding cold water or ice cubes to the paint instead of regular water is a good idea. It will extend paints life and allow some more time for paint coating to dry. It will help the paint coating to dry at its normal rate. And paint failures like blistering or peeling won’t occur immediately.
Temperature above 70 degrees F is unsuitable for exterior wall painting job. Too hot weather heats up the wall surface and dries up the upper paint layer too quickly. Fast drying of paint fails coalescing and interlocking of binding pigments (which binds paint to the wall surface).
While painting, keeping the daytime and according to sunlight phases is a good idea. In summer the sun heat dries paint too quickly. When painted under direct sunlight will dry up the upper paint coating quickly and the underlying layer will remain wet which will eventually result into Blistering. To avoid this problem, the areas, which are not directly exposed to the sunlight, should be painted first so the underlying layer will dry first and as the day goes up; the area gets exposed to the sunlight and dries down the upper paint coating.
It is best to carry out the exterior painting job in summer. Taking the above-mentioned precautions will make the whole painting process very convenient.
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