Table of Contents
Spread the Love
Diwali is just around the corner.The wedding season is on, the winter is coming and the lights and lamps are out. The best outfits are out and we glow in this celebration time the most. Like us, our homes do rejoice during this time.The crazy Diwali parties, family get-together, all of this and more. Our homes require a little extra too. Let’s losen up this pressure a bit and focus on what one cannot miss about this Diwali.
Set priorities
Now, this is the most important lesson for all of us. Set priorities. What happens is, we give thorough look to our home only once or twice a year. In this we stress ourselves so much that there is little or no energy left to think what we really want to change. Hence, take a pen and paper and write down what is it that requires change and what is okay to leave as it is. This will help save energy. You don’t want to look drained this happening season, do you?
Stick to the list
Whatever is on your priority list, stick to it. A little waiver here and there is fine but not to an extent that you stress yourself and budget so much that you are left with less enthusiasm in the end.
Save the bill
This is the best time to be alive in the Indian flee market. There is so much of variety and options and sale during this time. Act smart and don’t go overboard with expenses. Everything and almost everything has a cheaper, DIY options. So why not?! Unless ofcourse you feel lazy, then in that case procrastinate but don’t be impulsive. You may regret later.
Look out in your closet
It’s highly possible that you have forgotten what you have in your storage. Stuff from yesteryear. Things you bought impulsively, that were gifted and stuff that arrived from nowhere. There is always something lying unattended. Hence, check them, dig into them. You might be surprised to find some old sari or dinner set. Anything at all that has never been used can we revamped and made it into something really creative and awesome.
Invite People
No festival feels like festive if people are not around. So, invite people. Decorated home or not. Quality and quantity time for people is the best way to keep your spirits up this season. Have dinner parties, lunch parties. Dress up. Look your best and kick back and enjoy time with loved ones. Nothing like this time of the year to be with the best people around.